Ezne Inc

Burma (Myanmar)

Burma is a country which for many years has been oppressed by a military dictatorship. Even when 'democracy' was allowed, the military was still in control of the parliament, having re-written the constitution to guarantee a majority of votes to the military.

In the past few years, the military has tightened its grip on power. They have destroyed many villages, burning churches and murdering anyone who resists.

Many of the ethnic groups on the border areas are Christian, and have suffered persecution for many years.

Since 2007, we have been supporting this Bible College in Yangon.
Our ministry includes sponsorship of student fees, Bible teaching and training for children's ministry.

Students train for pastoral ministry, church planting and children's ministry. They are very active in practical ministry every weekend.

The students are great fun to be with! They enjoy the teaching, and we are encouraged by their enthusiasm!


The students learning how to prepare lessons for children's ministry ...

a and teaching the lessons ...



Our friend, Aphula from Nagaland, tried to teach the students an action song J-E-S-U-S. One of our favourite memories!

Singing J-E-S-U-S




We provide some financial support for five orphanages.
These are some of the kids.


One of the young boys helping us tell the story of Jonah. Such fun!





In September 2019, four Filipina dentists were able to come to Burma to work on the teeth of all of the children in the orphanages.  It was a real blessing.




The military is brutally killing people in Burma today.

Recently, laws have been passed conscripting young people into the army (ultimately, to kill their own people). Anyone who refuses is arrested. Pray for safety for the students in the Bible College, and for the youth in the orphanages.


