Ezne Inc

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TShirt and Bag Designs
These are the designs available to be screen-printed onto tshirts and bags.

Instructions to build a Biosand Water Filter
This is a simple, cheap way to filter water from wells/bores, rivers, etc so that it is clean for drinking, cooking and washing.


The Christian Believer
Basic truths a new believer should understand.


An outline of God's plan for human history.


Old Testament Survey
A chronology of the Old Testament.


New Testament Survey
A summary of all of the books of the New Testament.


Gospel of John
By Elizabeth Amato.  Comprehensive Sunday School lessons.


The Basics
By Gene Cunningham.  Basic doctrines for new and growing believers. A5x2 PDF print version.

Cover  Content  Index


Bible Topic Books
Compiled by Peter Moses.  Topical doctrines. A4 Word print version.

Cover   A-E  F-K  L-Q  R-Z   Index


The Tabernacle of God
Some of the types in the Tabernacle which pointed to the person and work of the promised Messiah, Jesus Christ.


The Tabernacle - 3D Model
Three page PDF cutout model of the Tabernacle.
Print in colour, plastic laminate, cut out, stick together.
(If you plastic laminate before cutting out, it looks better; holds its shape very well; and can be dismantled, packed flat, and reassembled.)

Tabernacle Cutout - Court
Tabernacle Cutout - Coverings
Tabernacle Cutout - Furniture


